
Interactive Boxes

November 2023

EdHive Launch

Contracts Admin App Launch

Contracts User App Launch

February 2024

Restructured permissions page

Added "All Managed Orgs" as a Contract option

Marketplace Updates

Added Purchase History page

Added ability to change Marketplaces

May 2024

FMLA Tracker+ App Launch

July 2024

Update Reports with new Pivot Table

Update Builder and Templates with new Text Editors

Add Contract Signer Preview

Patch Notes


Latest Release



August 2024

  • Contracts Admin 2.2

    • Made Purchase History and Reports more mobile friendly

    • On the Purchase History page, added a filter button that allows you to sort by any column.

    • Added a step when voiding a contract, you must now add a reason why this contract is being voided

    • Added a loading screen to reports while data is loading

    • When a contract is removed from a cart it now sends an email notification to signers of the organization.

    • The cost of a service is now shown on the PDF for a contract

    • Contract totals on the PDF are now in currency format with commas and dollar signs

    • You can now add Total Cost with Amendments and Latest Amendment Cost to fields on Reports

    • When a contract is voided it will show “VOIDED” across the PDF

    • You can now unsign a contract. The contract must still be in session and it will add the contract back to the cart for the user.

    • Added a divider between the main contract description and the service descriptions on the PDF

    • You can now get a cart summary of a user and export that to a PDF (Admin Assistant in Contract User)

    • When a contract is voided, an email & notification to contract contacts and signers is now sent.

    • Created a Billing role. This role will receive emails and notifications anytime a contract is signed

    • You can now change the effective date to a specific date when amending a contract.

    • You can now add notes to amendments. (Top right corner of amendment, select the pencil writing icon)

    • Bug Fix: Amendments were not calculating base cost on some contracts

    • Bug Fix: Not able to filter date on the variables page

    • Bug Fix: Total not limiting to two decimal places when creating an amendment

    • Bug Fix: Pasting from emails to text editor was not working

  • Contracts User 2.2

    • Users can now print out a summary of what is in their cart. Can be all contracts or what contracts are selected.

    • Carts now live update for all users as new items are added or updated

    • Users will now be notified via email when they've been given the add to cart permission in  a category

    • Fixed an issue where the org name was disappearing when switching between tabs, it now stays on the org you’re currently working on. (Admin Assistant)

    • Fixed misspellings

  • EdHive Portal 2.2

    • Changed “select all” button on Permissions page to now only select the currently filtered list of roles or names.

    • Fixed an issue, on the Permissions page, where not all roles or names were showing and the user was not able to scroll.


Prior Releases



July 2024

  • Contracts Admin 2.1

    • Fixed issue with scrolling to bottom when loading the contract dialog

    • Fixed issue with selected services not showing on an unsigned contract PDF, on the Purchase History page.

    • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t delete contract sessions during a certain time period because of how it was comparing dates.

    • Sorted contracts alphabetically on the Manage Contracts page.

    • Category permission list now filters out disabled users.

    • Changed the styling on the rich text editor to match the PDFs.

    • Changed the font size of Contract Services on PDFs

    • Added restriction where bundles can't be edited or added while contract is in session

    • Added ability to export the data set of reports to a spreadsheet.

    • Added a preview button when creating a contract that allows you to see what the user sees.

    • Added the name of the org to the email notification when a contract is signed.

    • Added new variables to the single use contract template. (contract signer name and org name)

    • Updated Reports - We’ve replaced the reporting tool with a more robust pivot table. You are now able to sort by contract status (in cart/signed/voided)

    • Updated Text Editor - You now have the ability to add hyperlinks, tables and images to the description of the contracts.

  • Contracts User 2.1

    • Fixed issue when updating a contract with a bundle only bundle items are selected.

    • Fixed issue with voided contracts not be able to be repurchased

    • Disabled easy button until sessions are reworked.

June 2024

  • FMLA 1.0.5

    • Fixed issues with mobile view functionality

    • Changed employee view of time tracking to be a table

    • Fixed sizing on time tracking table

    • Added total hours to employee hours view

May 2024

  • FMLA 1.0

    • Initial release of FMLA Tracker+ app

April 2024

  • Contracts Admin 2.0.2

    • Added a warning message that cart items will be removed when deleting a sessions

  • Contracts User 2.0.4

    • Fixed cart not able to scroll

    • Update add to cart permission user list to just be from user’s org and for an admin assistant not to be able to add them another org

    • Changed LEA language to Organization

    • Sorted contracts alphabetically

    • Changed page names to be more explicit

March 2024

  • Dashboard 2.0.10

    • Fixed bug where login page required a refresh to login

February 2024

  • Dashboard 2.0

    • Restructured permissions page

    • Renamed user-app-access to app-access

    • Fixed issues with configure apps page for icons and color selectors

  • Contracts Admin 2.0

    • Added changes for marketplace to contract pages

    • Added voiding contract capability

    • Fixed formula vulnerability where a user could make a formula that is not generated by the system and it would pass

    • Fixed startup bug on main page

    • Fixed allowed org lists from taking a long time to render

    • Fixed issue where you couldn't save if a formula wasn't changed

    • Fixed issue on contract service where select all would add all orgs even if they aren't in the original list

    • Added “Add All Managed Orgs” option to allowed org list on contract and contract service

    • Fixed contract variable table to load faster

    • Fixed variable table loading issue

    • Removed permissions to add bundles and edit bundles based on the add/edit permissions

    • Updated verbiage from LEA to organization

    • Fixed infinite scroll for single use contract.

    • Fixed issue where test formula dialog wouldn't set the org properly

    • Fixed history table filter

    • Made adjustments to category history filter

    • Fixed filter on purchase history page

    • Added ability to disable all contracts if they are currently in a session

    • Updated the purchase history page filtering so that categories are in alphabetical order

    • Updated marketplace styles

    • Change date for when a contract is in session check to use just date

    • Changed marketplace invite list to include orgs that aren't pending

    • Fixed issue where templates won't show sometimes

    • Added restrictions to bundles that requires having a service

    • Added update to contract-template and contract-template-service to disabled "All Managed Organizations" if you are a organization that can not manage users

  • Contracts User 2.0

    • Added contract marketplace button

    • Added purchase history page

    • Fixed startup bug on main page

    • Added restrictions to not allow a signer to sign a contract in their own marketplace

    • Fixed an issue where the app would break on first load

    • Fixed bug with contract initial cost

    • Fixed bug with first selected service

November 2023

  • Dashboard 1.0, Contracts Admin 1.0 & Contracts User 1.0

  • Initial deployment of Edhive application